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Workplace health and wellbeing is at the forefront of our minds now, more than ever. After emerging from nearly two years of disruption in our lives, it can be easy to miss the signs of mental fatigue, and when our lives are out of balance. Prasinus is dedicated to caring for the health and wellbeing of our staff. In line with this, we invite guest speakers to impart their experience and knowledge to the team, and keep the conversation around health open in the workplace.

Last week, the team at Prasinus received an inspiring visit from former cricketer and coach, Darren Berry, who generously shared stories of his career, and offered a great insight into workplace culture and leadership.
Presenting the team at Prasinus with principles on how to focus and nurture these areas of the business, Darren’s energy was infectious and gave the team a morale boost, with plenty of belly laughs along the way!

Darren was engaging and entertaining, and with all the points that he covered during his talk Darren was able to draw parallels with Prasinus, making the stories relevant to our present day business. During Darren’s presentation, he showcased a wealth of knowledge and experience, and by delivering his message with a lighthearted approach, he left a great impression on the team and broke down barriers around discussing workplace wellbeing.

We look forward to having more energising speakers visit Prasinus in the future, but Darren Berry has certainly left a great impression on the Prasinus team that will not be soon forgotten. Thank you, Darren Berry!

To find out more about the Prasinus commitment to workplace health and wellbeing, explore our website.

Prasinus Energy